SCHEBLER CARBURETOR BODY, NOS, original, - 100905 - $750, one only.Just like the one on my DLX108. For 1936-1940 74"and 1938-1940 45SS. Number boss never stamped. Have your number engraved.No throttle shaft, no float bowl assembly included. Has removable and fixed throttle shaft levers. All other parts are for this Schebler carb body.
SCHEBLER CARBURETOR FLOAT BOWL, 1940, NOS, original, - 102153 - $300, one only.1940 only. All other parts are for this Schebler float bowl. No float included.
AMAL SPARK & BRAKE CONTROL LEVER ASSY. (Right Side) and CHOKE CONTROL LEVER ASSEMBLY (Left Side), NOS, originals - $400, Set #1.1952-53 Amal Control Assemblies, 552012 and 547003. These are NOS originals.
$350, Set #2.1952-53 Amal Control Assembly, 552012 + 547003.
552012 is NOS and the 547003 Left Choke is used.
AMAL SPARK & BRAKE CONTROL LEVER ASSY. (Right Side) and CHOKE CONTROL LEVER ASSEMBLY (Left Side), used, originals - $250, Set #3.1952-53 Amal Control Assemblies, 552012 and 547003. 552012 is used and the 547003 Left Choke is used (no plating).
HANDLEBAR RISER ASSY., original - 229011 - $200 for the setRiser Caps and mounting hardware included. Original chrome plating.
Chief, 1950-1953
HANDLEBAR RISER ASSY., original + reproduction - 229011 - $150 for the setRiser Caps and mounting hardware included. Original plating on the chromed one.
Chief, 1950-1953.Unplated Riser is one of mine made of 4140 chromoly steel. Matched to the original for fitment.
INDIAN LUGGAGE CARRIER, cast iron type, original, - 75673 - $350, one only.I used this as a pattern for my Luggage Carriers. Silver and bronze casting repairs. New 1/2" tubes. #10-24 screw holes for reflectors on one end. Fits all skirted fender models, 1940-1953. 5/16"-24 threaded holes on the sides, 4 each,
for mounting saddlebags.
INDIAN HEAD FRONT FENDER EMBLEM, original, $60, one only.Enfield Indian Chief, late 1950's. 8 inches long. I've always liked the design of this hollow, die-cast emblem. Designed to screw to the front fender, like earlier Chief Fender Lights.
LEAF SPRING WEDGE, 1/4", original - 41925 - $65Leaf Spring Bikes to 1945. 1/4" version, sand cast mild steel. Helps forks work better.
INTERCHANGEABLE WHEEL, 18", 1938-1940 Chief and Four, original, - 92761 - $1000, one only.I bought this wheel so I would have a spare for my 1939 Chief that I could just bolt on with a new tire. Original cadmium plating can bee seen on some spokes and nipples. The hub was taken apart and properly reassembled. All parts there. Good bearing nut threads for the nut and hub. Rear Brake Drum was attached.
REAR HUB, 1935-1936 Chief and Four, original, - 74647 assembly and more - $600, one set only.I took the hub apart and reassembled. All parts there. Good bearing nut threads for the nut and hub. Rear Brake Drum was attached. Drum part cut off. Has 5 special lug nuts and the drum internals are there.
REAR HUB ASSEMBLY, mid-1920's Chiefs, original, - 1924 Assembly and more - $500, one set only.Looks like the 1924 Hub in Jerry Greer's Catalog, 6.965" overall length, 7/16" ball bearings. Has external brake drum and rear drive sprocket, 40 tooth. All parts are useable. Threads look OK on hub.
TRIPLE TREE ASSEMBLY, original, - 227006 Assy. - $300, two sets only.227006 Triple Tree with bushings, 2X 319028 Retainers, 2X 607017 Nuts, and 205010 Shackle Bolt, w/nuts, Line-Honed to fit.Chiefs, 1946-1948.
AERODRAULIC FORK DUST COVERS, original, - 333005 -
$175, one set of 2 each, only.Powdercoated black. Straight. Chief, 1950-1953.
DEFENDER REAR BUMPER, original, - 244002 - $150, one set only.Original patina 7/16" Bumper and 4 Studs. Some fitting required. ALL Models, 1940-1953.
GENERATOR BRACKET, original, - 74277 - $80, one only.741 Military Scout, 1941.
REAR BRAKE CAM, original, - 43055 - $35, one only.Sport Scouts, 1941-1942. Key way. I think it is NOS.
PINION GEAR PULLER with BOX, NOS, original, - 33-T-69 - $150, one only.New Old Stock PINION GEAR PULLER for Indian Chiefs and Scouts. Box has never been opened. Photo on right is of an original part.For Sale is the box with the NOS puller inside. You get to open the box or not. Jerry Greer got a case of these in the 90's.
AERODRAULIC CHIEF PROP STAND, 821003, original, - $110.#A, Used on Chiefs, 1950-1953.Braze repair on foot of leg. It's all there and works. Powdercoated.
AERODRAULIC CHIEF PROP STAND, 821003, original, - $100.#B, Used on Chiefs, 1950-1953.Weld repair on top of leg near bracket, a good job.
It's all there and works. Painted.
AERODRAULIC CHIEF PROP STAND, 821003, original, - $100.#C, Used on Chiefs, 1950-1953.Toe of leg foot needs to be welded/brazed back on. Solid Prop Stand. It's all there and works. Painted.
Original - 888017/8 - $50, one only.Castings are the same for each leg. Chief, 1950-1953.
I used this as a mold pattern.
75873-OEM - 1941-1942 SPORT SCOUT CENTER STAND -
Original - $100, one only.This was my original pattern. Comes with shaft and spacer.
IBRAKE CAM LEVERS (9), original + reproduction - $80 for all 9.Top row, left to right.36B225 OEM, SIDECAR, type 2, heavy, 1934-194236B225 OEM, SIDECAR, type 1, heavy, 1934-194238757, OEM, REAR BRAKE CAM LEVER, Scout, 1934-194042412, OEM, FRONT BRAKE CAM LEVER, Scout, 1940-194240869, FRONT BRAKE CAM LEVER, Chief, Four, Scout, 1937-1939Bottom row, left to right.35B344, OEM, FRONT BRAKE CAM LEVER, 1936 All Models, 101 & JR. SCOUTS.35B344, FRONT BRAKE CAM LEVER, 1936 All Models, 101 & JR. SCOUTS.42474, OEM, FRONT BRAKE CAM LEVER, Chief and Four, 1940-42.42474, OEM, FRONT BRAKE CAM LEVER, Chief and Four, 1940-42.
INDIAN CHIEF 1945 REAR FENDER, pn 93587, original - $350.Original Indian Rear Fender. Identified by Roger Hensley as a 1945 and not a 1944. Minor differences. These are not being reproduced. Has 2 large rust holes. Must have hung upside down and caught rainwater. Comes with an original rear fender tip section as a repalcement part. Matt Blake (Iron Horse Corral) says fender is economically repairable, particularly if you need one. More photos available.
3483624 - $350.Original Indian Frame castings, matched set from the same, late series, 1948 frame, with an original 1/4" frame number stamped at the Indian factory during the 1948 Model Year.
INDIAN CHIEF 1950 SHOCK FRAME CASTING SET, original - 3501324 - $350.Original Indian Frame castings with an original 3/16" frame number stamped at the Indian factory during the 1950 Model Year. Matched casting set from the same first series 1950 frame. First series 1950 frames had numbers
3501001 thru 3501500.